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Wayne Water Districts

Water Customer Scam Alert

Customer Alert regarding Private Company Solicitations for Water Line Protection Services


Residents in our service area (Belfast-Patetown Sanitary District, Southeastern Wayne Sanitary District, Southwestern Wayne Sanitary District, Northwestern Wayne Sanitary District, Eastern Wayne Sanitary District) often receive solicitation letters concerning purchasing protection coverage for water lines on their property. These mailings are worded in a way that the offer appears to be a collaborated effort between the company and Wayne Water Districts. Please be aware that these solicitations are not endorsed, nor are the companies contracted by Wayne Water Districts to offer water service line insurance coverage on Wayne Water’s behalf.


If you have further questions regarding the validity of these types of mailings, please contact:


  • Wayne Water Districts office at 919-731-2310
  • NC Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General at 919-716- 6400


Check out a company with Attorney General Josh Stein's Consumer Protection Division at 1-877-5-NO-SCAM before you do business with them.


Residents Should Be Aware of Private Solicitations for Water Sampling/Home Filtration System Scams


There continues to be a number of private companies performing mass mailings and placing water sampling door hangers soliciting residents to purchase water filtration systems. Some of these door hanger/phone call/mailing solicitations include “water sampling kits” and indicate "Urgent Community Water Test". Please be aware that these mailings and door hangers are not issued by nor endorsed by Wayne Water Districts.


Customers should be aware that accurate water quality sampling requires very specific collection and handling protocol, as well as a laboratory certified by North Carolina to run industry accepted test methods.


Wayne Water Districts staff conduct hundreds of water quality analyses throughout the year and are committed to ensuring the drinking water you receive meets or exceeds all Federal and State drinking water regulations.


If you are a Wayne Water Districts water customer and have concerns regarding your water quality including discoloration or taste and odor issues, please call the Public Wayne Water Districts office at 919-731-2310 and we will be more than happy to have your water tested for free.